Thursday, February 21, 2013

Next project "Photo Safari"

Join us for a Photo Safari


      It isn't necessary to be in Africa to go on a "photo safari".  All you need is a camera on your phone and ideas in your head.  The object of this exercise is to figure out your style and try to take professional-looking photographs using a cell phone.  Go out and take photos of thing that you like, it could be a billboard, book, tree, clothes, just anything that appeals to you visually.  You can take a day or a week, set a time period.  Then download the photos on your computer and edit your work down to your favorite 8-10 photos, then put them together on a board.  More then likely you'll see a theme, colors, and some cohesion in your board.  Use that theme to help yourself to discover your style.  Good luck and many the camera always be with you.

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